Monday, November 10, 2008

I miss my Jamesy!

I dropped James off at the airport this morning :( I am sort of looking forward to having some time to myself, but at the same time I'm going to really miss him. Yes, I know it's only for 5 days, but I always get this horrible anxiety when he's out of town without me. Like something bad is going to happen. I know it's probably very irrational, but in light of recent events (the unexpected death of my cousin) my anxiety seems to be heightened. Oh well, not much to be done. I might as well enjoy it.

I was thinking about what I should do with my time since James won't be around. I think tonight I'm going to work out (one area in which I've been slacking) and then I'll clean the house (ok, two area's in which I've been slacking). Then, I think I'll catch up on some of my trashy shows and girly movies on DVR. I was considering making wine part of the equation, especially since I got some really good blackberry wine at the Pride of Dakota show this weekend. However, I probably shouldn't just in case this is our month. Wouldn't want to harm any potential babies. I am supposed to test on the 20th, but I highly doubt I'll be able to wait until then.

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