Wednesday, November 19, 2008

4 weeks!

Wow, this is all so unreal. I'm pregnant. I thought I'd never be able to say those words.

James comes home tomorrow, thank goodness. I only have to hold out until 9:30ish tomorrow night! There's no way I could last any longer. I NEED to tell someone, but I can't because I want James to be the first to know. He is my baby daddy after all :)

I bought this shirt for Gizmo:

After I pick James up from the airport and we get home, he'll go in the house, let Gizmo out of his kennel. Gizmo will be wearing this shirt, and voila! I cannot wait to see his reaction! I also bought him a father-to-be book along the lines of "What to Expect When You're Expecting," which I also own :) I just need to finish reading it now that I actually am expecting.

I scheduled my first OB appointment yesterday. It's on Tuesday. Then my OB, Dr. Millette, actually called me on my cell phone to tell me my due date and ask how I've been feeling. I felt good about that. It makes me think that he'll really personalize this experience for us. I can't wait to meet him!

I didn't really realize how quickly pregnancy symptoms show up. I'm only 4w1d and already by boobs hurt. Well, the right one is fine, but the left one is trying to kill me. I've been really gassy. Today I accidentally burped at school (just a little burp, not like a belch) and one of my students who sits right next to my desk heard it. He said, "Mrs. R!" I was like, "Um... excuse me." I never burp. Ever. And I'm hungry every few hours. There's a few more things that would definitely qualify as TMI so, I'll leave those out. No morning sickness yet, but I'm sure it will come soon. I couldn't be more thrilled to have all these symptoms. I'll even take morning sickness if I have to. It will be worth it.

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