Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Nausea sucks!

Big time! I am constantly nauseous. Usually, it isn't too bad, but it's there just like a little annoying twinge. Today was pretty bad though. I had horrible heartburn last night and was up sick a few times, so I called in sick to work today. Mostly because I was dead tired, but I also felt like crap. The original plan was just to be a few hours late, but I'm glad I decided to take the whole day instead. Luckilly, watermelon seems to help curb the nausea.

The cravings are starting now too. They aren't quite what I though they would be like. It's like the thing I crave is literally the ONLY thing I can eat at that moment. Period. I am thoroughly convinced that my husband is the best husband ever! He is currently en route to the movie theater to get some popcorn for me. No movie, just popcorn. I realize that it was a totally rediculous request, but he was willing, so hey why not? He made it clear, however, that no one in his family or mine better find out about this. Haha!

Thankfully, the swelling in my legs, ankles, and feet has gone down. Every once in a while, if I'm standing for too long, it comes back, but seems to go away after sitting down for a little bit.

Oh, and I'm exactly 7 weeks today! Our next appointment (where we'll hopefully get to hear the heartbeat!) is two weeks from today.

Here's the thing. I do not like being pregnant. I always thought I would, but I don't. I hate feeling sick and bloated. Everything I've read tells me that the second trimester is better, so I'm hoping I'll like it better then. The end result will be worth it though!!