Saturday, October 25, 2008

Personal Trainers & Cataracts

On Friday I had my first appointment with my personal trainer. It went well. She said she loves my positive attitude. I just hope it can stay positive. Yesterday after I got done working out, I felt so great. I can't believe that I am actually enjoying exercising. I've never been one of those people before. I am afraid, however, that this is just another phase and that it will pass. I will have to do whatever I can to keep motivated. Now I just need to get my eating on track. I do fine for breakfast and lunch, but then in the evening I totally blow it.

I also had an eye appointment yesterday. I found out that I have cataracts at 23. Not the same kind of cataracts that old people have though. The doc said that I was born with them (apparently he'd known about this for quite a long time and just never mentioned it before). When the lens is developing, it is in three sections, which go on to "sutcher" (his words) themselves together. Apparently, on my lenses, where these sections connect, I have some cloudyness. Technically, cloudyness on the lens is a cataract. Ipso facto, I have cataracts. He said that it doesn't affect my vision, and won't cause me to need cataract surgery any sooner than the average person. So I guess it's really no big deal.

I'm really enjoying my long weekend! It's gone too fast! I can't believe tomorrow is already Sunday!

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