Tuesday, May 26, 2009

31 weeks

Nine more weeks to go until my due date! I feel like I need more time!

It's 61 degrees in my house and I'm pretty sure our furnace isn't working. I have it set to 70 degrees, and it hasn't kicked on yet. Greeeaaaat. I shouldn't even need the furnace on May 26th for crying out loud!

The contractor is done. James has this whole week off of work to finish the bedroom. Our goal is to have it all completed at the end of this week or this weekend. Yay! We had another setback though. On Friday, the carpet installer that we usually use called and said he's backed up for a month! We don't have time for that! So I made some frantic phone calls to no avail. Everyone was already gone for the long weekend. I left some messages though, and this morning one installer called me back and said he could do it TOMORROW! Woohoo! And the price was very reasonable. So really, it only set us back a day or so.

On Wednesday we had a doctor appointment. A loooong one. We went in and I drank my Orange Crush for the glucose test. Then we saw the doctor for the appointment, heard baby's heartbeat, got some breastfeeding info, as well as some remedies for things I am experiencing/may be experiencing soon. He answered some questions, then we went and scheduled our next appointment and our L&D pre-registration and tour. After that, I did my UA and then we sat and waited for the rest of the time before I had to get my blood drawn. Good thing we both brought a book! Then, I got my blood drawn. They took three tubes - one for the glucose test, one to test my iron, and one for my antibody screen. After that, the nurse took us back so I could get my RhoGAM shot, since I'm RH negative. That shot hurt like heck! After the shot we had to wait in the waiting room for another 15 minutes to make sure I didn't have a reaction. While we were waiting, I was telling James how much it hurt and he said "You should have seen the size of that needle! It was like 4 inches long!" I didn't see it because the shot is given in the back/hip/butt area. Oh, and the nurse also gave us a nifty little mini diaper bag with some cool stuff in it like a pacifier, can of formula, etc.

On Friday, at 4:50 PM, I missed a phone call from the clinic. Crap. I am SO worried about getting gestational diabetes, so I was sure that they were calling to let me know that I failed my glucose test and had to come back to take the three hour test. I was so worried about it on Friday night that I was in tears! Luckilly, the second Gizmo heard me start to cry, he jumped up on my lap and cuddled with me :) It made me feel better. Anyway, today I called back and the nurse told me that my glucose test and antibody test were normal (yay!), but my hemoglobin is low, so the Dr. wants me to take an iron supplement (Ferrous Sulfate, 320 mgs) once a day. Sure, anemia isn't ideal, but I'll take that over gestational diabetes! So all in all, pretty good news.

Alright, I better go make lunch for James and myself. We've been busy working on the room all day! I haven't even had a chance to shower yet today!

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