Tuesday, March 17, 2009

21 Weeks!

Wowza! It's been a long time. I have neglected my blog for two whole months. Oops.

So much has happened in the past few months:

I am feeling SO much better. I got sick on Saturday, but that was the first time I actually threw up in probably a month. Pregnancy is much more enjoyable now. I'm starting to show a little and I can't walk past a mirror without checking out my little bump! Last weekend at my Grandma's birthday party, my aunt and cousin were the first to rub my belly. I know this annoys most pregnant women, but I have to admit, I loved it.

On March 9th we had our big ultrasound. After much deliberation, we decided to find out the baby's sex. Turns out we'll be having the first Richter grandson! We both totally thought it was a boy. We have a name for him and everything now (well, the middle name is still in the works). It's nice that he has more of an identity now. I love our little baby boy a little more every day. This is just such an amazing time.

We're going in for another ultrasound on Monday because the tech couldn't get a good enough picture of the heart and where the umbilical cord attaches. But when the nurse called and said the doctor had looked at the u/s photos, she said that everything looks great!

We're currently trying to find a good contractor to do the work on the bedroom that will be the master bedroom, so that we can move in to that room and make our current room the nursery. I feel like we are WAY behind. I should have started so much sooner, but I seriously had no energy. I'd come home from work and nap for a few hours, then have supper and veg for the rest of the night. I am now trying to take advantage of my easy work schedule (off at 3pm). I am hoping we can get this remodeling show on the road and be done before school is over at the end of May.

I am starting to really feel pregnant. I am having round ligament pain (aka lightning crotch - annoying but bearable), and I can feel him moving around once in a while, which is an amazing feeling. I have trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep in at night, but once I fall asleep, I generally sleep pretty well. Although my belly is getting bigger, I am proud to say that I am NOT one of those annoying pregnant women who never take their hands off of their belly. I really get annoyed when I see women do that, especially when they are in their first trimester and are clearly just bloated. Why would you want to rub your bloat? Honestly. Oh, and did I mention that I am much less tolerant of peoples' stupidity lately? And I'm much more up-front with people. I hope I'm not coming across as bitchy... well, actually, I don't really care. At least I have an excuse, right?

Well, that's all for now. I'll try to update this thing a little more in the future.

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